gis-l: Updated Waste Cleanup Layers in DataMiner

Bokey, Aparna Aparna.Bokey at
Wed Dec 8 11:40:36 EST 2010

GIS Users,
The following layers have been updated in ArcSDE, DataMiner, DataCatalog and MapDirect:

DataCatalog/DataMiner Name: Waste Cleanup CLOSED Responsible Party Sites

This data set reflects CLOSED Waste Cleanup (Responsible Party) sites. These are sites where the case file has been closed by the District Waste Cleanup Section. All cleanup phases, including long term monitoring have been accomplished and are no longer the responsibility of the district.

DataCatalog/DataMiner Name: Waste Cleanup Inactive Responsible Party Sites

Waste Cleanup (Responsible Party) Sites are placed in INACTIVE status while awaiting action as a result of determining eligibility for program cleanup in either Dry Cleaning or petroleum or CERCLA screening. Sites placed in this status may be return to Waste Cleanup after the program cleanup or evaluation is completed to resolve any outstanding issues.

DataCatalog/DataMiner Name: Waste Cleanup OPEN Responsible Party Sites

This data set reflects OPEN Waste Cleanup (Responsible Party) sites. Cleanup of the site as tracked by the District Waste Cleanup Section remains to be done, a cleanup phase is progressing, or the site is subject to a monitoring plan. This set does not include sites awaiting action as a result of a case referral, e.g., to EPA or State Cleanup/Superfund. Sites that have completed remediation and are awaiting a copy of a county clerk "filed" stamp for recording of any institutional controls are still considered OPEN. Sites where EPA has assumed the role of lead agency but the site is not on the National Priorities List are still overseen by the district are included in the list of OPEN sites.

All these layers are available under the ‘Environmental and Monitoring’ and ‘Planning and Development’ categories in DataCatalog and are under the ‘DWM’ tab in DataMiner.

OTIS/GIS Section

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