[Pharmwaste] Pharmaceuticals in biosolids?

Gilliam, Allen GILLIAM at adeq.state.ar.us
Mon Apr 7 14:05:59 EDT 2008

Did anyone save those recent articles regarding PPCPs being found in
cities' land application sites and the study on the earthworms?  If so,
would you please re-send it to Susanne (cc'd above) who's doing her
thesis on this entire issue "putting a regulatory spin on it"?

Her question was, "Have you seen any issues with the agriculture
business and if they are worried?"

Hopefully, she'll get subscribed to this listserve to ask the rest of
you experts more specific questions and get into the archives.

Has anyone been compiling a list of cities/counties' take-back programs?
Add one from Arkansas (sorry, Stevan and Matthew, couldn't talk them
into gathering data for your registry.  Too much admin burden on a less
than shoe string budget...).  They collected 100 lbs from a 3 or 4
county area during a one day highly publicized event.  It's now 24/7
collected at their local police station mirroring Palo Alto's I believe.

And, please send that compilation if someone has been keeping track.
Seems there's at least 10 by now scattered around the country by now
isn't there?

Thanks in advance for a response,

Allen Gilliam
ADEQ State Pretreatment Coordinator

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