[Pharmwaste] Method validation and peer review

Ronald Ney randsney at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 16:20:54 EDT 2010

September 23, 2010

Subject: Method validation and peer review

I have this to say about EPA and all data, how were the methods
validated and what did the peer reviewers have to say about the

Here is what EPA has to say about their methods and I have other quotes.
“Environmental Chemistry Methods (ECM)
Environmental chemistry methods for soil and water are used to
determine the fate of pesticides in the environment. The methods
identify and quantify the pesticide residue of interest, determining
the total concentration of pesticides, including the extractable
parent compound and significant metabolites and degradates (break-down

EPA makes no claim of validity by posting these methods, but
recognizes that the methods may be of some utility to state, tribal,
and local authorities.

Residue Analytical Methods (RAM)
Residue analytical methods for food, feed, and animal commodities
identify and quantify the pesticide residue of interest, determining
the total toxic residue of the pesticide regulated by the tolerance
(maximum legal residue level), including significant metabolites and
degradates (break-down products).
While most of the methods perform satisfactorily, some may have deficiencies.

EPA makes no claim of validity by posting these methods, but
recognizes that they may be of some utility to state, tribal, and
local authorities.”

Dr. Ron Ney

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