shrug-l: Number of points from one layer in a polygon layer

Sykes, John John.Sykes at
Tue Dec 18 13:34:33 EST 2007

I don't know if I'm brain dead or just tired, but I am trying to create a
table with the number of points from a point shapefile that fall within the
individual polygons of another shapefile, specifically:

For each city in Florida (from the GeoData City Limits polygon layer) how
many Drycleaning Program sites (a DEP point shapefile) are within each city.
The output table should just have the name of the city and number of sites
(outer joins are not necessary).  I also need this to do similar summaries
for State Hazardous Waste Sites and Superfund Sites by political entity
(e.g., by city, county, DEP district, etc.).

I know how to select the sites using a polygon buffer, but just want a
summary count.  Eventually, I might want a list of sites by county, city,
etc.  but for now, just a raw count will suffice.

-- John

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