shrug-l: DEM and TIN

Thomas, Jim jim_thomas at
Wed Jan 18 16:54:55 EST 2006

I have two questions.
1.  Is there a way to export profile information from 3D Analyst to
Excel?  I can get a profile drawing in a window, but it's useless.  I
would like to export the profile data, so I can have more control over
the input/output.  I'm using the NED and NHD.
2.  Can you combine raster and vector data to create a new TIN?  I have
some good surveyed elevation data that I want to merge with not-so-good
DEM elevation data to create a continuous surface representing the best
data available.  Example:  The survey data includes road centerlines,
edge of water, and some spot elevations, but nothing in between.  I want
to use the DEM to fill in the gaps.  Is this even possible or
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