shrug-l: Tallahassee Parcel data with the number of bedrooms and bathrooms

Jacob Long jacobl3467 at
Thu Apr 16 15:00:18 EDT 2020

Good evening,

My name is Jacob Long and I am a undergraduate research assistant at
Florida A&M. I am currently working on a project of utilizing property
parcel data to showcase the relationship between the price of a house and
the distance to a body of water in Tallahassee. I have most of the
variables I need to run a model like square ft of the  house, the the size
of the lot, the price it was last sold or year on the attribute table for
the map, and soon I will have the distances to the closest body's of water
calculated.  However one variable I am missing is the number of bedrooms/
baths. Any idea of where I could get this data to add to my attribute table
for my project?


Jacob Long
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